The London Society: Protecting Our Green Spaces - Save Wimbledon Park CampaignJun 23, 2024The London Society has featured this article on their website blog: Protecting Our Green Spaces - Save Wimbledon Park Campaign.
The London Society has featured this article on their website blog: Protecting Our Green Spaces - Save Wimbledon Park Campaign.
SWP response to Telegraph's Simon Briggs: “Wimbledon desperately needs to expand to catch up with sprawling Australian Open”
Peter Day (Day vs Shropshire): "...The AELTC can’t just make some land grab because it suits their commercial ends and nor should Merton and the GLA bow to that pressure"
Clapham Junction Insider: "Residents’ group launches legal action against Wimbledon Tennis Club expansion" (a comprehensive explanation of the current situation with the SWP campaign)