Dr. Peter Day (of Day vs Shropshire) has commented on the AELTC planning application to build on WImbledon Park, Grade II* Heritage Metropolitan Open Land:
"As a local Shrewsbury resident, I was absolutely committed to stop developers building on precious and protected land local to me. But at the same time, it was a cause I believed in because I recognised the potential national implications were the development to proceed. Which is exactly why I endorse what Save Wimbledon Park are doing - fighting to protect local land but in a greater national cause. If the law says that land must be maintained for public use and recreation, councils need to recognise they play a role as ‘custodians’ of that land. The AELTC can’t just make some land grab because it suits their commercial ends. And nor should Merton and the GLA bow to that pressure."
Dr Peter Day, also a trustee of CPRE, who took his legal case against Shropshire County Council all the way to the UK Supreme Court and won